Monday, 14 March 2011
Animation Fascination
We're delighted to say that we have a series of new and exciting mini-movies on their way. We have enlisted the creative expertise of Bristol-based animation company, SCUBABOY, to help us construct a wonderful new style of film.
The new films will be perfectly suited for sermon use, and provide a distinctive off-shoot to the successful Big Book Media dramatised footage. The first will be available over the next few weeks, with another special Easter film to follow shortly after.
We can also announce that the first in The Jesus Series, narrated by top U.K pastor Andy Frost, will also be available very soon. 'Hero' will be available on DVD and marks the first in the new 7-part series designed to take a fresh and insightful look into the life of Jesus.
More news to follow on release day!
For now, best wishes from the Big Book Media team.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Other members of our dedicated team also made the journey earlier this week, back to Morocco. Filming is now underway for our exciting new DVD series featuring Andy Frost. Andy will be exploring the life of Jesus, and his life as an everyday man trying to spread the Word. We will be looking at who Jesus REALLY was, and will discover if hundreds of years of storytelling has helped or hindered our understanding of him.
We look forward to giving you more news on this very soon, and will shortly have some pictures uploaded of our trip!
We hope everybody in the U.K has been enjoying the recent winter wonderland, and hope you're all keeping warm. If you have any questions about the latest projects by Big Book Media, we always like to hear from you so please email us at
Best Christmas wishes from the Big Book Media team!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Christmas 2010 update!
Our Director, David Batty, and supporting crew have been filming out in Israel for a forthcoming Easter project to be released in 2011.
Also, we're excited to say that we shall be flying back out to Morocco to undertake filming of a new project featuring Andy Frost. This new product will provide churches, worship groups and Bible project leaders with a wonderful, visual resource that will combine the expertise of Andy delving into the life and teachings of Jesus, with the stunning footage of Big Book Media. The result will be a fantastic learning resource for all ages. Our aim as always is to create a powerful, educational product that will engage followers at every level, and the stunning visual quality will mean a new and exciting product for worldwide use.
The Brighton office has also been working hard to ensure that the new Advent & Christmas producs are ready and available! We have new YEAR A Lectionary films available for the Gospel readings of Matthew, and many special discount download bundles in the pipeline - keep an eye out for our Advent emails as we'll be giving you some huge discounts over the forthcoming season!
More to follow soon...!
Seasons greetings to all from the Big Book Media team.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Discover Christmas
Big Book Media have had exciting news this week. Firstly, Liz our office manager and her husband Dave have had a beautiful baby girl, Jemima. Congratulations to Liz, Dave and Jon on their new arrival!
We have also been looking towards Christmas, when we will be having a film released in Walmart stores in America called 'Discover Christmas'. It is a DVD for children explaining the traditions and stories of Christmas. Each story is split up into 5 short films which are aimed at children aged 6 to 12.
It is a fun, accessible DVD which discovers where Santa Claus is from, The story of the Christmas tree, what Bethlehem looks like today, why we give presents, and the fun of putting on a nativity play.
There is also a mini feature film which tells the whole Christmas story, from the moment Mary discovers she will be the mother to son of God.
There are also games and activities to download for free from the internet, which have been specially crafted to fit around the DVD. Much like our Gospel films, Diane-Louise Jordan, (Blue Peter, Songs of Praise) is narrating the stories. The DVD has been made in collaboration with CTVC, the major British media company who produce material for television, radio and new media content including the BBC, channel 4 and ITV.
So the last month has been spent producing the material for the DVD, and our director David Batty and producer Hannah Leader have been busy filming, followed by Ben Hilton and David editing the footage. Films should be in shops to enjoy in October this year.
Friday, 16 April 2010
We are feeling Delirious!

Hi everyone
We have had an exiting couple of weeks here at Big Book, last week we packed up the Brighton office and set off for Minehead in Somerset for Spring Harvest. We sold our DVDs, cards, posters and had our films showing for the week on a big screen on our stand. Also a very very happy customer won Zac the camel in our draw at the end of the week!
As most of you probably know, Delirious, the rock bank re-released their song 'History Maker' for Easter. We are very exited to have had the opportunity to have our filmed footage used for the video created to go alongside the song's release on their You Tube video. The response to the video has been amazing. Here is the link to the You Tube video so you can see the song and with our footage for yourselves.
We have also had an article in the Time Online about the video which I have put the link for below.
Our next event is the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park where we will have a stand at this huge event. Come and see us at stand L11!
This event starts on 11th May with set up the day before so I'll be spending the next couple of weeks preparing for that.
Monday, 29 March 2010
CRE Buzz

Hi all
It has been pretty hectic in the office (and out of the office) this week. We've been preparing for our first event - Spring Harvest which we are looking forward to setting off for this Friday. We have also had a new floor laid in the office (hence the out of the office comment) and Robbie and I have been hauling boxes in and our of our unit with the help of a couple of removal men.
While the floor was being laid Robbie, Liz and I have been working from home. Mostly from Liz's living room! Plus various of the rest of the team have carried on as usual in London.
We are glad to be back in the office today, mounting photos and getting ready to leave for Minehead on Friday.
We are really pleased to have had an article written in the Christian Resource Exhibition' on-line newsletter.
Very exited to be in CRE Buzz.
I'll add a jpeg of the article too in case you can't get to the article through the link above. The office floor looks beautiful and I'll attach one of Liz's photos of it tomorrow! We have a nice picture of her son Jon in the middle of the floor before the furniture went back into the office. Liz, Alec and Robbie are setting off for Minehead on Friday. Plus Jill with a large van full of the screen and lots of boxes for our stand. Then I am going to join them there on Monday. We've booked a cottage in Alcombe right on the edge of Minehead which looks beautiful to stay in for our week.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Spring Fever
Maddy here again with another blog update. It's been all go since our last shoot but editing has finally been finished and the next set of films are up on our website. The Production Team are starting their plans for Shoot Four which will probably take place in May (to be confirmed). The Easter films are looking really spectacular, so the hard work and decication from the team has paid off - we hope you'll agree when you watch them.
Robbie (Sales & Marketing Assistant) and Alec (Sales & Marketing Manager) have been working really hard getting the new Easter films up onto our website with the readings and Sunday School materials. They are all now ready to download alongside the films.
Until the next shoot the main thing that our office team is working on are our plans for having a stand at four events this Spring. The first event we will be at is Spring Harvest which takes place in Butlins, Minehead. It starts over Easter weekend and Alec, Liz, Jill, Robbie and I are all going to spend one week at this event. Liz and I are preparing for this at the moment, finalising our display for our stand and making sure we have everything we'll need for the event. We'll be showing our films on a large screen on our stand so if you are planning to attend this event we hope you'll come along and see us.
The second event we are attending is the Christian Resources Exhibition which is held at Sandown Racecourse in Surrey. This event takes place over the 11th to 14th May. I'll blog about this once we have returned from our stand at Spring Harvest. After CRE we are at the Pentecostal Festival which is in central London and then finally we'll be at The Big Church Day Out in Wiston, West Sussex. We will be there over the bank holiday weekend at the end of May. More information to come on all of these events post Spring Harvest.
So far for Spring Harvest we have been printing out shoot photos from our most recent shoot to go up on our stand so people can see the behind the scenes work around a shoot. We also got example Sunday School materials and photos of the crafts that are outlined in the Sunday School lesson plans so you can see the support tools that have been created so far to go alongside the Three Wise Camels versions of the films. We have also mounted our most recent press releases so you can see what is being said about us and the films! We will of course have some DVDs for purchase on the stand, plus details of all of the films that you can download from our website. Plus some cards, notelets and posters which have been created from photos taken on our shoots. I have also been making Three Wise Camels badges of Zac, Becky and Noah that we can give away on our first day at the Spring Harvest event!
We have Zac the camel (pictured) coming to the event with us who will be won by someone lucky who attends the event and leaves their e-mail details in the drop box on our stand - we'll have a box with Zac's picture on our stand for the week plus slips for anyone who would like to leave their details to fill in and drop into the box then at the end of the week we'll draw out a lucky winner who can take Zac home with them - we think you'll agree he's a very desirable camel!
I'll write again before we set off for Spring Harvest with our stand details and then will write from the event an update about the event and what we get up to there.