Hi everyone, Maddy here blogging again from the Big Book Media office.
Our Production Team are back once more from Morocco, safe and sound without any food poisoning outbreaks this time! This weather on this shoot was really cold, such a contrast from Shoot One. At night the temperature dropped really low and we had a few night time shoots this time round so the team had to wrap up for these - the picture is David our Director and Ben our DOP in their hats, scarfs and gloves! Although for them it has been a cold shoot compared to others we of course have had the coldest weather for some 30 years in the UK with snow and ice over much of the country so they are getting off lightly compared to that!

Shoot Four went really well, with no major disasters - just Trevor falling through part of the set on one occasion! So now the team are back it’s been a mad rush to edit and get our films ready in time for Easter. Tim and Ben our Editors have been working all hours with David our Director and Amory our Post Production Manager in our office here and with the Halo team in London. There's been some very long days and nights involved for the post team.
Updates on the others in the team here Liz (Office Manager) and I have been preparing communications to Church and Cathedral shops and also Christian Retailers to sell in our cards and other products. Robbie (Sales and Marketing Assistant) has uploaded all the shoot stills photos; so that we can put some on the website alongside the films.
Hannah our Producer and Alec our Sales and Marketing Manger are currently in America visiting our marketing partners ‘Big Finish Media’, Hannah has been to a church service at Willow Creek which has a three services a weekend that average nearly 23,000.00 attendees. www.willowcreek.org
The photo on the left shows the south downs near our office covered in a beautiful white layer of snow.
Lastly for today's news 'ninteenseventythree', the local card designers we use for our Christmas cards are currently choosing picking out stills photos from our shoots to use to design some more cards for us. We are hoping to have these to bring with us to the trade fairs we'll be attending this spring.
I will blog again with more details on our spring plans, the retail fairs we'll be at in April/May and the next shoot soon.