Hi allMaddy here again with another blog update. It's been all go since our last shoot but editing has finally been finished and the next set of films are up on our website. The Production Team are starting their plans for Shoot Four which will probably take place in May (to be confirmed). The Easter films are looking really spectacular, so the hard work and decication from the team has paid off - we hope you'll agree when you watch them.
Robbie (Sales & Marketing Assistant) and Alec (Sales & Marketing Manager) have been working really hard getting the new Easter films up onto our website with the readings and Sunday School materials. They are all now ready to download alongside the films.
Until the next shoot the main thing that our office team is working on are our plans for having a stand at four events this Spring. The first event we will be at is Spring Harvest which takes place in Butlins, Minehead. It starts over Easter weekend and Alec, Liz, Jill, Robbie and I are all going to spend one week at this event. Liz and I are preparing for this at the moment, finalising our display for our stand and making sure we have everything we'll need for the event. We'll be showing our films on a large screen on our stand so if you are planning to attend this event we hope you'll come along and see us.
The second event we are attending is the Christian Resources Exhibition which is held at Sandown Racecourse in Surrey. This event takes place over the 11th to 14th May. I'll blog about this once we have returned from our stand at Spring Harvest. After CRE we are at the Pentecostal Festival which is in central London and then finally we'll be at The Big Church Day Out in Wiston, West Sussex. We will be there over the bank holiday weekend at the end of May. More information to come on all of these events post Spring Harvest.
So far for Spring Harvest we have been printing out shoot photos from our most recent shoot to go up on our stand so people can see the behind the scenes work around a shoot. We also got example Sunday School materials and photos of the crafts that are outlined in the Sunday School lesson plans so you can see the support tools that have been created so far to go alongside the Three Wise Camels versions of the films. We have also mounted our most recent press releases so you can see what is being said about us and the films! We will of course have some DVDs for purchase on the stand, plus details of all of the films that you can download from our website. Plus some cards, notelets and posters which have been created from photos taken on our shoots. I have also been making Three Wise Camels badges of Zac, Becky and Noah that we can give away on our first day at the Spring H
arvest event!
We have Zac the camel (pictured) coming to the event with us who will be won by someone lucky who attends the event and leaves their e-mail details in the drop box on our stand - we'll have a box with Zac's picture on our stand for the week plus slips for anyone who would like to leave their details to fill in and drop into the box then at the end of the week we'll draw out a lucky winner who can take Zac home with them - we think you'll agree he's a very desirable camel!
I'll write again before we set off for Spring Harvest with our stand details and then will write from the event an update about the event and what we get up to there.